Led Screen Restaurant, Wedding Hall P3.0 Indoor (Fixed Assembly)

Led Screen Restaurant, Wedding Hall P3.0 Indoor (Fixed Assembly)

Price: 10.900.000 d

Code: Màn hình LED P3-indoor

Status: Stocking

  • Manufacturer: Shenzhen Brighter 
  • P3.0 Indoor LED Display 
  • Importer: Hoang Sa Viet AVL
  • Unit price: Construction and installation package according to m2
  • Option: Fixed assembly of the iron frame
  • Physical distance of two pixels: 3.0mm .
  • Module size: 192mm×192mm.
  • Module resolution: 64×64 = 4096 (pixels).
  • Scan type: 1/32S. Indoor
  • Pixel build: 1R1G1B outdoor – (SMD1921)
  • Refresh rate: 1920Hz.
  • Cabinet size: Fixed iron frame
  • Standard warranty: 24 months
    Top selling products

Thanks to the much cheaper price, flexible assembly size, stability and laterality of up to 5-7 years, making the investment in indoor P3.0 LED screen become quite popular. Previously, investors were often afraid of P3 LED screens for the stage because they were very expensive. Now this is a suitable period to invest in projects: Event stage, Hall stage, wedding center, conference, hotel, restaurant, advertising... Current price this product is only from 10 million dong/m2 for a screen using a fixed frame (not moving, removable). Now, let's learn more about this indoor P3 product line (fixed, cheap) with Hoang Sa Viet.!

The concept of LED screen restaurant, wedding hall fixed installation, cheap price.

P3 restaurant and wedding hall LED display is a P3 indoor product line that uses a fixed frame for low cost. This product is suitable for restaurants, hotels, large wedding convention centers. Thanks to the large number of pixels per square meter. So the P3 indoor LED screen displays sharp, vivid images. Suitable for power point presentations, seminars, conferences and indoor wedding parties.

Restaurant LED screen wedding is a product line for the stage a visual display device used in events, especially in wedding parties or large parties. This LED screen is often used to display information, images and videos at the same time to capture the attention of guests and create a playful, lively space. LED screens are now designed with many different sizes and resolutions to suit the needs of each customer.

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Frame set for cheap led screen P3 for restaurant
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complete the wedding restaurant led screen

Instead of using cabinets like portable LED screens. P3.0 indoor LED screen using an iron frame manufactured at the site will give a cheaper price, the size according to the current state of the work. Using an iron frame will be more economical than using a cabinet if there is no need to move the screen.

The cheap P3.0 LED display is made of many small P3.0 indoor LED modules put together into a big picture. These modules can be ordered in different sizes and shapes to create a unique and customized LED stage display. These small modules are the most basic components to create an indoor stage LED display. They are usually 192*192mm in size . This module is called the P3.0 Indoor module. However, these modules are not designed to be waterproof, so please be careful when using them outdoors.

P3 indoor stage LED display module
P3 Indoor stage LED display module

P3 Indoor LED display is commonly used to display pictures, videos, advertising content and program information to the audience. Thanks to its ability to display vivid colors, high contrast and strong brightness, the event stage P3 indoor LED display can help create visual effects and interesting experiences for the audience.

P3 indoor LED display for restaurants, wedding halls, can be installed in different positions on the stage such as front, back or on top of the stage to provide information and images to the audience. . This type of display is also often controlled by specialized software to create special effects and rapidly change the displayed image and information. Today with the development of imaging technology, event stages become more colorful, shimmering and fanciful thanks to the support from the P3 indoor LED screen. The stage LED screen also replaces the stage backgroud, converts images according to the script, switches the stage scene flexibly without too many scenes.

stage led screen at Hoang Sa Viet company
Hoang Sa Viet Company, a distributor of cheap and reliable P3.91 indoor LED screens

Structure of P3 Indoor LED screen used in restaurants and hotels.

P3 Indoor stage LED screen , event is composed of the following components:

  • Indoor P3 Indoor LED Module .
  • P3 stage LED display card.
  • Power supply 5V-40A or 5V-60A for Indoor display.
  • Signal connection cable, power supply for cabinet P3 Indoor.
  • Cabinet to assemble components into 1 block.

Among the components that make up the stage LED screen, there is a MODULE P3.0 Indoor that accounts for 60% of the total value of an LED screen. The current stage P3.0 Indoor LED display module has many manufacturers, with many different parameters.

In the P3 Indoor LED module , the LED and IC are the two most important components. Indoor P3 LED bulbs are also produced by many manufacturers and the materials used to create P3 LEDs will also produce different quality. For example, a gold-plated P3 LED bulb will be better than an indoor iron-foot P3 LED... IC working at high frequency will be better than IC scanning at low frequency. All the components of the stage P3 LED screen are packed and assembled into a cabinet and integrated with a control card that will transmit the signal from the computer to the indoor LED modules to display images (See the model below). below).

LED bulb with gold plated legs and iron legs
The picture depicts the LED bulb with gold plated legs and iron legs
P3 indoor LED display control system
P3 indoor LED screen control system for stage - event.
fixed frame set for P3 indoor led display
Fixed frame set for P3 indoor led display at restaurant
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LED screens for restaurants and hotels
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led screen wedding conference center

LED display panel P3.0 fixed iron frame.

Product's name Module size Unit price VND/m2 LED pins Product link
LED restaurant P3 indoor 192mm*192mm 10,900,000 won iron link
LED restaurant P3 indoor 192mm*192mm 11,500,000 won copper link
LED restaurant P3 indoor 192mm*192mm 15,500,000 VND gilding link

LED display panel P3.0 portable cabinet.

Product's name Module size Unit price VND/m2 LED pins Product link
LED P3 portable cabinet 192mm*192mm 17,400,000 won iron link
LED P3 portable cabinet 192mm*192mm 20,400,000 won copper link

Select the appropriate P3 indoor LED screen size.

P3 indoor LED screen usually has a large size and is proportional to the size of the stage. Currently, stylized stages often arrange many P3 LED screens. Including a main P3 indoor LED screen and many secondary led screens, also known as chicken wings. The total width of the main screen plus the secondary screens (or so-called chicken wings) will be equal to the width of the stage. For example:

  • Sân khấu ngang 10m thì thường bố trí 1 màn hình chính ngang 6m và 2 hoặc 4 màn hình phụ nữa có tổng kích thước là 4m

Ngoài ra lựa chọn kích thước màn hình LED P3 indoor còn phụ thuộc vào lượng khán giả. Với những sân khấu lớn, lượng khán giả đông thì màn hình LED P3.91 phải đủ lớn để tương xứng với lượng khán giả, tham khảo ví dụ sau:

  • Nhà hàng tiệc cưới 100 khách thì nên chọn cỡ Màn LED P3: ngang 4m, cao 2.5m
  • Trung tâm hội nghị 200 khách thì nên chọn cỡ Màn LED P3 trong nhà: ngang 5m, cao 3m
  • Nhà hàng tiệc cưới 300 khách thì nên chọn cỡ Màn LED P3 trong nhà: ngang 8m, cao 4m

Ngoài ra việc xác định kích thước màn hình LED indoor còn có thể dựa vào khoảng cách của người xem gần nhất cho tới màn hình để đạt được một khoảng nhìn tốt nhất được mô tả bằng hình dưới đây:

choose the right event stage P3.91 screen size
Chọn kích thước màn hình P3.91indoor sự kiện dựa vào khoảng cách nhìn tốt nhất

Những lưu ý khi lắp đặt màn hình LED P3 cho nhà hàng, trung tâm hôi nghị tiệc cưới.

Độ phân giải của màn hình LED P3: Độ phân giản của màn hình theo lý thuyết càng lớn thì càng tốt. Tuy nhiên lớn quá sẽ càng đắt tiền. Độ phân giải của màn hình LED P3 trong nhà nên là Full HD. Tức là trong khoảng 1920*1080, hoặc tối thiểu phải đạt 1280x800 (HD) thì mới đủ làm màn hình LED cho hội trường và sảnh tiệc cưới.

Độ sáng của màn hình LED P3 indoor: Cùng là màn hình LED nhà hàng tiệc cưới, nhưng với những màn hình LED cao cấp, chất lượng tốt thì sẽ cho độ sáng tốt hơn. Độ sáng từ 800-1200CD/m2 trong trường hợp dùng màn hình LED trong nhà . Với các màn hình LED, có độ sáng thấp, khi cần tăng ánh sáng thường xuyên thì sẽ làm giảm tuổi thọ của màn hình.

Tuổi thọ Màn hình P3 indoor: Có tuổi thọ trung bình từ 3 đến 10 năm tùy theo chủng loại. Đối với một số loại màn hình LED P3 nhà hàng tiệc cưới chính hãng có thể sử dụng trong khoảng 5 năm mà không lo hư hỏng. Hoặc nếu hư hỏng cũng có thể dễ dàng xử lý thay thế. Một số loại màn hình LED P3 trong nhà cao cấp hơn có thể sử dụng tới 10 năm.

Vận hành màn hình LED P3.91 indoor : Vận hành màn hình LED P3 trong nhà sân khấu, sự kiện cho một nhà hàng tiệc cưới không hề dễ dàng, người vận hành phải có 2 kỹ năng để vận hành tốt màn hình LED nhà hàng tiệc cưới:

  • Kỹ năng bào trì bào hành, sửa chữa đấu nối tín hiệu khi có sự cố.
  • Kỹ năng vận hành màn hình LED trình chiếu nội dung phù hợp với kịch bản (kỹ năng này thiên về nghệ thuật).

Operating and maintaining the P3 indoor LED display for the wedding restaurant is a routine and not easy job. After the unit provides the P3 indoor LED screen for you, there will be instructions for you to operate. P3 indoor stage LED screen is usually warranted for 12 to 36 months depending on the contract. After the warranty expires, the annual cost will be about 3% of the cost of installing the P3 indoor stage LED screen. If you do the maintenance yourself, you can save this cost.

Projection of LED screen on the wedding restaurant in accordance with the script content
Projection of LED screen P3.91 indoor restaurant wedding party suitable for script content
maintenance and operation of wedding restaurant LED display
Maintenance and operation of LED screen P3.91 indoor wedding restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City

Several types of popular wedding restaurant P3 LED display.

Led screen P3 iron frame.

Iron frame P3 LED Display is the most popular product line because their price is only 60% of the cabinet type. But for the same quality (not portable).

Specifications of P3 indoor LED: The distance between the centers of the pixels is 3m , so the screen quality is very good. Products are widely used and installed in venues/hall spaces, meeting rooms of medium and small size. The installation cost of P3 LED screen is quite cheap, but the resolution team is good, so it is used by many people as LED screens for halls, showrooms, showrooms, restaurants, weddings, convention centers and promotions. commerce.




Product Line LED Module P3 Indoor
Distance 2 pixels 3mm
Scan Cycle 1/32 (16 Scans):
LED Ball Structure 1R1G1B
LED Type 3-in-1 Black SMD2121
Dimensions 1 Panel Module 192×192mm
Module Resolution 64×64dots
cheap led screen installation company in HCMC
the cheapest led screen installation company in Vietnam | Hoang Sa Viet

The process of installing, buying and selling LED screen P3 at Hoang Sa Viet company.

Collect information and consult appropriate quotation.

This is an extremely important step before going into the construction and installation of P3 LED screen . Hoang Sa Viet takes this step extremely carefully, we collect and clearly determine what is the need to use? The required information includes:

  • Capacity of banquet hall, auditorium space, stage to calculate the appropriate size.
  • Consulting on diverse layout design, to create a content-rich, creative and unique event space.
  • Estimated cost to choose the right product line for the needs of use.

Site survey before performing the technical design step.

After reaching agreement between the two parties, the technical staff of Hoang Sa Viet will conduct a field survey:

  • Check the construction site.
  • Check electrical wiring.
  • Re-measure the construction site accurately: Screen size, how far from the ground,...

Design technical drawings and prepare standard components for the stage.

After the actual survey, Hoang Sa Viet proceeded to plan and prepare equipment to start the stage of installing LED screens. The important equipment for the stage LED display include:

  • Type and quantity of fixed P3 LED module or mobile Cabinet
  • Type and quantity of decorative materials: Alu, stainless steel, wood,...
  • Indoor video card, quantity, type...
  • Power cord, network wire to the controller, network cable connecting the card
  • Other supporting devices: Screws, pliers, screwdrivers,...

Gathering materials and construction works.

When all the steps of surveying and preparing materials are completed, the construction stage of the LED screen will be carried out. Here are 3 general steps that Hoang Sa Viet took for a project of installing P3 LED screen in the wedding hall.

  • Reinforcement of the P3 wedding hall LED screen frame.
  • Install the stage LED screen.
  • Decorative cover for the P3 conference center LED screen according to customer requirements.
Meeting to deploy the installation and construction of stage LED screen
Deploying the installation and construction of stage LED screens in Ho Chi Minh City & Hanoi
design led screen style for stage
Design a variety of theme led screens for stages, weddings and events.
themed stage led screen design
Design themed stage led screen
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Construction and installation of led screen P3.91 outdoor
Construction and installation of outdoor P3.91 led screen
prestigious event led screen rental
Rent a prestigious event led screen
Hoang Sa Viet led screen company
Hoang Sa Viet LED screen company

Handing over, instructions for use and operation of the P3 stage LED display.

After completing the assembly stage, Hoang Sa Viet conducted a general inspection of the installed work. Proceed to turn on the power and install via the computer, set up the screen to test the content before completing and handing over the technology to the project owner. Depending on the specific project to test the P3 LED screen, the time usually ranges from 12 hours to 24 hours continuously. At this stage, Hoang Sa Viet will be responsible for supporting customers in the most detailed and careful way so that the P3 LED screen achieves the best quality.

Periodic inspection, and maintenance of the stage P3 LED display under the contract.

Hoang Sa Viet pays great attention to the warranty and maintenance stage. In the process of using, if the customer discovers the error of the P3 wedding hall LED screen, we will proceed to replace the error location, fix the problem immediately after receiving the request, and finally check, Test again the conference center P3 LED screen to make sure the perfect quality.

handing over the stage led screen to the church
Handing over the P3 stage led screen to the evangelical church
construction led screen P3.91 for showroom
Installation and handover of P3 showroom led screen at Vsip Binh Duong

Construction and installation of LED screen for a prestigious wedding restaurant - stage in Vietnam.

With more than 10 years of experience in consulting, implementing and installing restaurant LED screens , Hoang Sa Viet is fortunate to receive the trust of many large units and companies nationwide. We are confident to be one of the most prestigious and professional suppliers and installers of LED screens for wedding halls today.

About Hoang Sa Viet LED screen company

install outdoor LED screen in HCMC
Installing outdoor LED screens in Ho Chi Minh City
frame set for outdoor led screen in Hanoi
Installing the frame for outdoor led screen in Hanoi
install outdoor led screen in Ba Ria Vung Tau
Install outdoor led screen in Ba Ria Vung Tau

With the working motto PROFESSIONAL , PRESTIGE, CLEAR, TRANSPARENT. Hoang Sa Viet LED display company has carried out many projects, installation projects of LED screens for large domestic and foreign organizations such as: VSIP, Becamex, Intel. IPC group. VinGroup...By intelligent and accurate quotation system. Hoang Sa Viet can provide instant quotes by automatic quotation system with accuracy and reliability up to 99%. Prices can be found here: https://hoangsaviet.com/bao-gia-man-hinh-led.

Check out some of the stage LED screen projects installed by Hoang Sa Viet.

  • Installing LED screens for wedding restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City

installation of led screens for restaurants and weddings in Ho Chi Minh City
Installing led screen for restaurant and wedding party in Ho Chi Minh City
  • Installing the stage screen at Becamex Binh Duong

install stage screen at Becamex Binh Duong
install stage screen at Becamex Binh Duong
  • Construction of the event stage screen at Vsip Binh Duong

Construction of the event stage screen at Vsip
Construction of the event stage screen at Vsip

  • Installing indoor LED screens in Binh Phuoc

Construction of indoor led screen in Binh Phuoc
Construction of stage led screen in Binh Phuoc (Hoang Sa Viet Company)
  • Construction of indoor LED screen in Da Nang

Construction of indoor led screen in Da Nang
Construction of indoor led screen in Da Nang
  • Construction and installation of LED screens in Nha Trang

Construction and installation of led screens in Nha Trang
Construction and installation of led screens in Nha Trang
  • Construction and installation of LED screens in Dong Nai

Construction and installation of led screens in Dong Nai
Construction and installation of led screens in Dong Nai
  • Installing LED screen in Ho Chi Minh for PT2000 store chain

Installing LED screen in Ho Chi Minh
Installing LED screen in Ho Chi Minh City for PT2000 company
  • Construction of LED screen at Mipec wedding convention center in Hanoi.

install led screen at mipec Hanoi wedding convention center
Installing led screen at MIPEC Hanoi wedding conference center
  • Installing LED screens at Vinpearl (Vingroup) in Can Tho.

LED screen construction at Vinpearl Can Tho
Construction of LED screen for wedding hall at Vinpearl Can Tho
  • Construction of LED screen at cultural center of Binh Phuoc province

culture hall led screen
Led screen in Binh Phuoc province's cultural center hall

  • Construction of LED screen in Long An

Construction of LED screen in Long An
Construction of LED screen in Long An
construction of led screen in Lang Son
Construction of led screen in Lang Son
construction of led screen in Hung Yen
Construction of led screen in Hung Yen

In addition to the events held indoors, there are also a series of outdoor events of a similar nature. However, people cannot use indoor stage LED screens for outdoor use, but need other types of LED screens with more specific features. One of the most popular types of outdoor stage LED screen (Outdoor) today is the P3.91 LED screen . So what are the outstanding advantages of this type of LED screen, please find out through the article below.

What are the advantages of P3 wedding stage LED screen?

  • Stage P3.0 LED screen has a high pixel density per square meter, specifically: 111111 dots/m²
  • Stage P3.0 LED screen has small ball size, smooth and matte black color, so it can replace LCD screens
  • The stage P3.0 LED screen has a very reasonable price with a cost of about 12 million / m2 is already a quality screen
  • The stage P3.0 LED screen has a brightness of up to 1000 cd/m2, so the image is more vivid than the LCD screen

P3.0 indoor LED screen Suitable for luxurious luxurious stage space – With the physical distance of pixels of P3 indoor LED screen (indoor) is 3mm, ensuring smaller pixels, overall display more detailed and sharper. The same distance ensures good viewing of the user's display from a distance of 3m - 100m, this distance is perfectly suitable for the hall space, from the stage, karaoke bar to the farthest viewing angle of the audience. invited guests.

Install P3 Indoor LED display
Install P3 Indoor LED screen (Source: Internet)

Vibrant, sharp, super bright display quality – With the size of the module 192×192, the module's resolution reaches 4096 pixels, up to 110,000 pixels per square meter, P3 indoor (indoor) screen satisfies meets the viewer's observation standard of 55,000 pixels/m2. And with 16.7 million colors, ensuring the vividness of the screen as well as the actual colors for the observer. With the pixel specifications of this device, it ensures the display quality of the image in any hall space.

Powerful processor – Graphics management IC 5124 or ICN2038 is the device that processes images, clips, and display parameters of data files with the highest quality of the current time in all hall LED screens. Currently.

Wide viewing angle – The minimum viewing angle both horizontally and vertically up to 135 º helps the guests to attend the space in any position to observe, not to miss the information on the display screen.

Install LED screen for stage
Installation of LED screens for the stage (Source: Internet)

Why should you install the stage P3 LED screen at Hoang Sa Viet?

  • A team of technicians work professionally, with high expertise, enthusiastic to support customers
  • High quality products, genuine imported
  • Product maintenance and warranty service is clear, always putting the interests of customers first
  • Experienced in installing LED screens nationwide: Ho Chi Minh, Hue, Lang Son, Hue, Binh Duong,...
  • Good price

Surely customers also understand part of the reason why P3 Indoor LED screen is a product line chosen by many units/businesses to install on stage, right? Let Hoang Sa Viet support you in your next stage LED screen installation projects . Immediately contact hotline 0985 999 345 for support!

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