Mobile Led Screen In Mui Ne

Mobile Led Screen In Mui Ne

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Status: Stocking

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In recent years, mobile LED screens are trending. With outstanding advantages and useful features, it will definitely be the optimal choice for businesses.

1. What is Mobile Led Display ?

Mobile LED screen is also known as portable LED screen . Is a line of LED screens that have the ability to move flexibly, easily install and disassemble quickly at any location. Mobile Led screen has a thin, flat and sturdy form that will display images and videos like a basic Led screen.

indoor led screen installation
install led screen in the house - Hoang Sa Viet

2. The benefits of portable Led display

  • Quick installation and dismantling due to the rather special design of connecting the modules together.
  • Easy to move flexibly. The use of mobile LED screens in businesses will be a great advantage, saving the cost of installing many Led screens. Instead, businesses can move the Led screen easily, in accordance with the needs and purposes of use.
  • Various sizes, suitable for all spaces including small spaces
In addition, the mobile Led screen fully meets the needs of customers such as:
  • Use of indoor cinema for households;
  • Projector replacement for meeting room;
  • Serving at important stages, halls,...

3. Mobile Led screen project in Mui Ne - Hoang Sa Viet has done

Customer requirements: install a led screen in a conference room that can be easily moved, suitable for the nature and needs of organizing other events in the room.
Conduct survey: after agreeing on the plan as well as the screen size with the customer, Hoang Sa Viet AVL conducts a survey of the project.
Construction and installation:
  • Led screen frame uses aluminum alloy frame with advantages such as: lighter than other materials, high aesthetics and installing more wheels for easy movement.
  • After making the frame, we proceed to install the mobile Led screen
indoor led screen installation
Installation of indoor led screens - Hoang Sa Viet
indoor led screen installation
install prestigious led screen - Hoang Sa Viet

4. Refer to some mobile Led screens

indoor led screen installation
install led screen in the house - Hoang Sa Viet
the stage led screen
install outdoor led screen - Hoang Sa Viet

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