P4 Indoor Wedding Led Screen (Indoor)

P4 Indoor Wedding Led Screen (Indoor)

Price: 9.500.000 d

Code: màn hình LED P4 indoor

Status: Stocking

  • Manufacturer: Shenzhen Brighter 
  • P4.0 Indoor LED Display 
  • Importer: Hoang Sa Viet AVL
  • Unit price: Construction and installation package according to m2
  • Option: Fixed assembly of the iron frame
  • Physical distance of two pixels: 4.0mm .
  • Module size: 256mm×128mm.
  • Module resolution: 64×32 = 2048(pixel).
  • Scan type: 1/16S. Indoor
  • Pixel build: 1R1G1B outdoor – (SMD1921)
  • Refresh rate: 1920Hz.
  • Cabinet size: Fixed iron frame
  • Standard warranty: 24 months
    Top selling products

LED screen technology is increasingly developing and is widely applied in many business lines, including wedding services. As an alternative to rigid and monotonous static backgrounds, the more commonly used P4 LED screen meets the requirements of presenting sharp and realistic images and videos, providing a variety of engaging experiences for visitors. attend.

✅ Introduction of indoor P4 wedding LED display (Indoor)

Indoor P4 wedding LED screen is a type of screen composed of P4 LED modules with a distance of 4mm between pixels, a high resolution of 2048 pixels, the number of Pixels per m2 (pixels) is 62,500 pixels.

p4.0 indoor wedding restaurant led display screen
P4.0 indoor wedding restaurant led display screen

In terms of current market demand, P4 indoor LED screen is widely used because of its soft price but long life and suitable for users' needs. If you are in need of installing a wedding LED screen, then P4 indoor will be the right choice.

Advantages of P4 LED Display Indoor (Indoor)

  • P4.0 indoor LED display has a high pixel density per square meter, specifically: 62500 dots/m²

  • Indoor P4.0 LED screen has small ball size, smooth and matte black color, so it can replace LCD screens

  • Indoor P4.0 LED screen has a very reasonable price with a cost of about 11 million / m2 is already a quality screen

  • Indoor P4.0 LED screen has a brightness of up to 1000 cd/m2, so the image is more vivid than LCD screens

  • Easy to transport, disassemble and repair when something goes wrong

  • The signal is displayed through the image processor and is capable of connecting the signal to many different sources such as computers, cameras, .. and through the LED video card can be converted into video, slideshow images. on the screen.

Disadvantages of P4 LED Display Indoor (Indoor)

  • P4 LED screen is not waterproof, so when installing, pay attention to the real waterproofness of the screen, the screen will be very durable.

  • Although the screen P4 has a high brightness compared to conventional TVs (4-5 times higher), it is difficult to see the screen when sunlight shines on it. The monitor is for indoor or semi-outdoor use only (with a roof).

✅ Notes when using P4 wedding LED screen indoors (Indoor)

p4.0 indoor wedding restaurant led display screen
p4.0 indoor wedding restaurant led display screen
  • Users should carefully study product information

  • Find a reputable LED display supplier to find an efficient and quality installation solution

  • Pay special attention to providing sufficient information to the construction unit to limit risks

These are the notes that any user should pay attention to before buying an LED screen in general and an indoor P4 LED screen in particular.

✅ Quotation of indoor P4 wedding LED screen (Indoor)

The LED screen market is growing and highly competitive, among many construction units in the market, which will be the reputable choice?

Coming to Hoang Sa Viet - a supplier and installer of LED screens with more than 9 years of experience, customers can completely trust and feel secure. Customers can see more prices of P4 LED screen at:

Hoang Sa Viet led screen company
Hoang Sa Viet LED screen company, Install cheap P4 LED screen

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