Reasons for Choosing Led Screen P3.91 Outdoor Instead of P3.0 - Official Letter

Reasons for Choosing Led Screen P3.91 Outdoor Instead of P3.0 - Official Letter

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The need to install outdoor LED screens is becoming more and more popular with many different purposes, especially the two product lines of P3.91 outdoor and P3 outdoor LED screens that are being used by many units. , interested project owner. Surely, before choosing a reputable unit to sign a cooperation agreement, customers also research product information on the Internet in advance, ask for the price of each unit as well as listen to advice from those units. But the difficulty here is that there are so many different information flows that make it difficult to decide which type of Led screen is really suitable. Official LettersThe sample below of Hoang Sa Viet will help customers better understand these two product lines and make the most accurate decision.

✅ Dispatch explaining the reason for choosing P3.91 outdoor LED screen instead of P3.0 outdoor

Recently, Hoang Sa Viet noticed that the number of customers contacting to ask about the issue " P3.91 outdoor and P3 outdoor LED screen , which one is better to choose" is quite a lot. And HSV has also worked with customers with similar questions before. Recently, a large Led screen installation project in Binh Phuoc province, HSV explained the reason for choosing P3.91 outdoor instead of P3 in the official letter below:

Project dispatch of LED screen installation in Binh Phuoc province
Dispatch explaining the reason for choosing Led screen P3.91 instead of P3 (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)

Hoang Sa Viet also has an article specifically introducing 2 types of Led screens P3.91 outdoor and P3 outdoor (Advantages and disadvantages, how to choose accordingly) in another article. Please click HERE for details.

✅ Some outstanding outdoor Led screen installation projects Hoang Sa Viet has done

With more than 9 years of experience in the industry of rental and installation of Led screens , Hoang Sa Viet has a certain position in the hearts of customers, HSV takes it as an honor. And it is also because of that trust of customers that HSV always puts product quality, project quality, and customers' interests first. So over the years, HSV has received a lot of cooperation to install Led screens of large units nationwide. Here are three outstanding projects that have been completed so far:

✔ Project of installing LED screen for Fashion Shop PT2000

  • Category: Installing outdoor P3.91 Led screen to promote the brand
  • Location: 603 Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ward 15, District 10, Ho Chi Minh
  • Total investment value is nearly 3.8 billion VND

✔ Project of installing Led screen in LA VELA SAIGON Hotel building

  • Item: Install outdoor advertising LED screen system with a total LED area of ​​more than 150m2
  • Location: 280 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Ward 8, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Total investment value: 4.5 billion VND
Installing P5 outdoor Led screen in Ly Chinh Thang building
Installing Led screen in Ly Chinh Thang building (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)

✔ LED screen installation project WOODEN DAO - BINH DUONG Stadium

  • The stadium has an area of ​​​​4 hectares, with a capacity of about 18,250 seats
  • Category: installation of Led screen for the stadium of Becamex Club - Binh Duong
  • Total investment value is nearly 5.5 billion VND
Install P4.81 Led screen for Becamex Binh Duong stadium
Installing Led screen for Becamex Binh Duong stadium (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)

Above is a sample letter explaining the reason for choosing P3.91 Outdoor instead of P3 of Hoang Sa Viet to answer the project owner in Binh Phuoc province as well as some typical Hoang Sa Viet projects. made. If your company is an application for equipment and installation of Led screens, you can refer to this official letter to convince your customers or if you are a project owner who needs to install Led screens, you can consult to understand more information about the product and no longer be confused when listening to different streams of advice. If you have any further questions, please contact the hotline 0985 999 345 for support. Thank you!

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