Genuine XE-12 Karaoke Speaker, Dedicated Business Karaoke

Genuine XE-12 Karaoke Speaker, Dedicated Business Karaoke


Status: Stocking

  • Origin: Thailand
  • Brand:
  • Height: mm
  • Width: mm
  • Depth : mm
  • Weight: kgs
  • 1 year warranty
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✅ Specifications Speaker XE-12 Genuine Thai Goods

Speaker P.Audio XE-12 product line for High-end Home Karaoke. Or Business Karaoke, Used for installation for restaurant sound, wedding party, stage hall... Speaker P.Audio XE-12provides a cost-effective foreground and background sound enhancement solution for both stationary and mobile installation applications. The 12 woofers provide high clarity and extended low-frequency response in a compact, ergonomic design. The XE-12 is ideal for background music applications in pubs, bars, restaurants and retail stores, as well as foreground full-range music systems. The 1 true compression driver in the XE-12 is highly reliable and is combined with a 90 x 65-degree elliptical wave guide for controlled and detailed high-frequency performance. The passive network in the XE-12 balances the output from both components of the converter and provides optimal summing in the mid-band region. Power handling is rated at 200 watts continuously with a peak power input of 800 watts. High-quality wooden cabinet construction with internal supports for added rigidity and finished in high-quality black paint. The XE-12 is a high-performance design with outstanding sonic clarity from high-quality P.Audio components.

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