1 . Intermediate Lighting Equipment Rental Package

1 . Intermediate Lighting Equipment Rental Package

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Status: Stocking

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In addition to the basic lighting packages, Hoang Sa Viet also provides intermediate and advanced stage lighting packages, which increase the stage lighting effect and add more sparkle to the stage of the event being held. Based on many years of experience in the industry, we would like to send you a package of intermediate lighting quotes 1 , invite you to follow up.

1 . Intermediate Light Pack
Intermediate light package 1 was made by Hoang Sa Viet company at Adora Center Hoang Van Thu

✅ Details of rental package for intermediate lighting equipment 1

  • 12 ParLed 54x3w super bright multi-colors, creating stage background colors, artistic color changing
  • 04 Sunshine Par lights illuminate the stage
  • 02 lamp posts with the letter T
  • 01 Tiger Touch Console
  • 10 Moving Head Beam lights 230W/330w create pattern effects, light beams for the stage.
  • 02 Smoke machine with capacity 1500W
  • 01 Follow Light

10,000,000 won

  • Viettruss light frame includes:
  • 01 Truss horizontal 12m
  • 02 truss pillars 6m high
4,320,000 won
light equipment
Quotation for rental package of intermediate lighting equipment 1

✅ Quotation for rental package of intermediate lighting equipment 1

✔ High-grade aluminum truss frame system for hanging lights

Aluminum truss frame is an indispensable part in the event lighting system of medium and large scale, the lamp hanging system will help the stage of the event become more grandiose and solemn, in addition, when there is a lighting system. The light hanging frame will be more evenly distributed and help the effect of the lights be promoted more effectively and beautifully.

Hoang Sa Viet is a unit with many years of experience in the field of event equipment rental and event organization, we would like to propose to customers a number of light frame systems suitable for light packages. Intermediate level 1 is as follows:

1/ Viettruss aluminum truss frame system: I-frame system includes

  • 01 Long horizontal beam above the stage: 12m ngang
  • 02 Truss pillars standing on both sides of the stage: 6m high


The above is our recommendation for customers, and you can change or adjust the size according to the actual conditions of each event area. Truss frame system at Hoang Sa Viet company is calculated according to the next meter, just add the number of meters to and multiply by the unit price, you can calculate the cost of truss frame for your event. Customers.

✔ Details of equipment in the 1st mid-level light package

  • ParLed 54x3w
ParLed 54x3w

ParLed 54x3w is a type of light that owns 54 LEDs with many colors, creating an attractive effect for the event stage. Different from other lamps, ParLed produces smooth light with super bright Cree LEDs, long life and super energy saving technology. The cost of par led lights is also cheap, not as expensive as other lights.

  • Sunny Par Lamp

Different from Led Par lights, Sunny Par Lights bring a yellow light that is almost the light of sunlight. Normally, Sun Par lights are applied in many events, concerts, large and small presentations to create a dim light block, making the lighting effect more special. In addition, Parwarm lights are also used for photobooth backdrops to create brightness when taking photos… or to illuminate necessary areas in the event.

  • Tiger Touch Console

Tiger Touch console is the most advanced line of lighting control devices available today with powerful control capabilities. The console integrates stage lighting processing software that is superior to other types of lighting control devices. Products are used in professional and monumental events.

  • Moving Head Beam Lamp 230W/330w
Moving Head Beam Lamp 230W/330w

In addition to the lights mentioned above, in the event stage there was also the appearance of 230W/330w Moving Head Beam lights. The lamp possesses a solid design, stable operation, high durability, especially high brightness and long service life.

About the design structure: the exterior of the moving head beam lights is covered by a super durable plastic layer, with good elasticity, suitable for indoor or outdoor events. In addition, the lens of the moving head beam is designed with 5D optics and coated with an anti-reflective coating for excellent anti-fog, anti-mold and anti-dust coating.

  • Smoke machine with capacity 1500W

Smoke machine is one of the common stage equipment chosen by many units for events and stages. With an extremely large capacity of 1500W, the machine is suitable for use in large programs and events, stable operation and high durability. The smoke like flying dew combined with the stage lights will definitely create a very beautiful effect, creating a romantic and extremely luxurious stage space.

  • Lights Follow

As the name implies, follow lights have the effect of shining directly on the singer or a highlight of the performance, creating attention for everyone. Lights are very powerful and usually have one person directing them.

✅ Contact information for rental of performance lighting equipment

Hoang Sa Viet is a professional lighting and sound rental company with the most advanced and modern equipment. For more information, please contact us via the information below.

Hotline: 0985.999.345 - press 2

Email: yenvo@hoangsaviet.com

Website: hoangsaviet.com

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