3 . Intermediate Lighting Equipment Rental Package

3 . Intermediate Lighting Equipment Rental Package

Price: Contact

Status: Stocking

Currently, on the market, there are many sound and light rental units with different quality equipment. And depending on the quality of the stage as well as the requirements from the customer, there are appropriate equipment packages. Based on many years of experience in the profession, Hoang Sa Viet would like to send to customers a package of intermediate light rental equipment 3 that is chosen and popularly used by many units.

Light Package Made by Hoang Sa Viet Company at Polytechnic University
Intermediate Level 3 Light Pack made by Hoang Sa Viet at Polytechnic University

✅ Details of renting intermediate lighting equipment 3

  • 18 ParLed 54x3w super bright multi-color, stage background color, artistic color change
  • 08 Par64 lights for stage lighting
  • 04 Blinder Lights
  • 02 lamp posts with the letter T
  • 01 Tiger Touch Console
  • 14 Moving Head Beam lights 230W/330w create pattern effects, light beams for the stage.
  • 01 Follow Light
  • 02 Smoke machine with capacity 1500W
15,000,000 VND

SUPPLY FRAME: High-grade aluminum truss frame system:

  • 01 Horizontal 15m
  • 02 pillars 6m high
4,860,000 won
Bao Gia-cho-thue-thiet-bial-sang-trung-cap-3
Quote for rental of 3 intermediate lighting equipment

✅ Quotation for rental of intermediate lighting equipment 3

✔ Detailed aluminum truss frame system for hanging lights

  • Intermediate light pack 3 suitable for stages of sizes from 24m2 to 100m2, suitable for indoor and outdoor events
  • The aluminum truss frame system for hanging lights in the intermediate light package 3 is proposed by Hoang Sa Viet company according to the following dimensions:

1/ Truss frame system used as a horizontal beam to hang lights above the stage: 15m

2/ Truss frame system used as a pillar is reinforced by sturdy lampstands and ensures absolute safety: 6m

3/ The crank frame hangs the face lights to illuminate the stage and the performers on the stage

  • The above is a proposed light frame for the intermediate light package 3 and this frame size will be changed according to the actual conditions of the event site. The truss rental price is calculated from the number of meters to the unit price per truss meter.


✔ Light equipment in the 3 intermediate light package

  • ParLed 54x3w multicolor

ParLed 54x3w multicolor

ParLed 54x3w is a type of light that owns 54 LEDs with many colors, creating an attractive effect for the event stage. Different from other lamps, ParLed produces smooth light with super bright Cree LEDs, long life and super energy saving technology. The cost of par led lights is also cheap, not as expensive as other lights.

  • Par64 lights for stage lighting
Par64 lights for stage lighting

Par64 lights are one of the products that appear a lot on the stage of large and small events thanks to their low price and large capacity.

In terms of design: the lamp has a cylindrical shape with a shiny stainless steel shell, or is painted in matte black to create a luxurious feeling. In particular, it does not rust during use.

In terms of quality: the light is radiated very strongly forward, due to only 1 bulb inside

  • Blinder Lights

Blinder Lights

Blinder lamps were born to replace the previous generation of par halogen lamps, with many outstanding advantages such as: low power consumption, low heat generation, smooth, beautiful light,. ..With a 60-degree projection angle combined with strong light intensity, the lamp has a wide light coverage.

  • Tiger Touch Console
Tiger Touch Console

Tiger Touch console is the most advanced line of lighting control devices available today with powerful control capabilities. The console integrates stage lighting processing software that is superior to other types of lighting control devices. Products are used in professional and monumental events.

  • Moving Head Beam Lamp 230W/330w

Moving Head Beam is a specialized lamp for the stage, creating lighting effects for the stage and stage space. The presence of the Moving Head Beam is also the factor that creates the light mix, the rotating island helps to illuminate all the corners of the stage.

Advantages of Moving Head Beam: compact design, easy to install, easy to use, can be connected to DMX, can run automatically to music without user control.

  • Lights Follow

The follow light has the effect of shining directly on the singer or a highlight of the performance, creating attention for everyone. Lights are very powerful and usually have one person directing them.

  • Smoke machine with capacity 1500W

Smoke machine with capacity 1500W

Smoke machine is one of the common stage equipment chosen by many units for events and stages. With an extremely large capacity of 1500W, the machine is suitable for use in large programs and events, stable operation and high durability. The smoke like flying dew combined with the stage lights will definitely create a very beautiful effect, creating a romantic and extremely luxurious stage space.

✅ Contact information for rental of performance lighting equipment

Hoang Sa Viet is a professional lighting and sound rental company with the most advanced and modern equipment. For more information, please contact us via the information below.

Hotline: 0985.999.345 - press 2

Email: yenvo@hoangsaviet.com

Website: hoangsaviet.com

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