5 Step Up and Down Stairs (Stage)

5 Step Up and Down Stairs (Stage)

Price: 5.500.000 d

Status: Stocking

  • Unit price: VND/piece
  • Model: BSK-5BP
  • Origin: Vietnam
  • Brand: Viettruss
  • Width: 1328mm
  • Length: 2500mm
  • Height rise and fall: 40cm-120cm
  • Structure: 5 Steps to increase and decrease the height
  • Material: T6061-T6 . aluminum alloy
  • Weight: 38 kg
  • Warranty: 5 Years
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Application Making stairs up and down for the stage
Material, substance Aluminum Alloy T6061-T6
Connection type Catching snails & shakes
Size Length 2500mm - Width 1328mm
Cao Increase and decrease from 40-120cm
Maximum payload 500kg/ Stairs
Floor plank MDF with 18mm thick film
Number of steps 5 steps
Tonnage 500kg/ Stairs
Weight 38kg/ Piece

Stairs up and down for the stage
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Mass properties of STEPS UP AND DOWN (Stairs) INCREASE & DELAY (5 LEVEL) Configuration: Default Coordinate system: -- default -- Density = 2700.000 kilograms per cubic meter Mass = 23,215 kilograms Volume = 0.005 cubic meters Surface area = 3,526 square meters Center of mass: ( meters ) X = 0.000 Y = 0.000 Z = -0.750 Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the center of mass. Ix = ( 0.000, 0.000, 1,000) Px = 0.350 Iy = ( 0.707, -0.707, 0.000) Py = 3.178 Iz = ( 0.707, 0.707, 0.000) Pz = 3.179 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system. Lxx = 3.178 Lxy = 0.000 Lxz = 0.000 Lyx = 0.000 Lyy = 3.178 Lyz = 0.000 Lzx = 0.000 Lzy = 0.000 Lzz = 0.350 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the output coordinate system. Ixx = 10.612 Ixy = 0.000 Ixz = 0.000 Iyx = 0.000 Iyy = 10.612 Iyz = 0.000 Izx = 0.000 Izy = 0.000 Izz = 0.350

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