About Avl Technic

About Avl Technic

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Status: Stocking

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✅ AVL Technic - Where Sound and Light techniques, LED Screens are sublimated

AVL Technic is an abbreviation of " Audio Visual Lighting Technical " which means " sound, light and visual engineering ". AVL Technic Team was formed during a time when the whole world is facing a crisis due to covid-19. This is one of the most extreme times in the entertainment industry (sound, light, LED screen). The formation of the team by the love of the profession, the desire to work and contribute to the company and the community. AVL Technic Youtube was formed with some members from Team 4 (Hoang Sa Viet company) and a few brothers in other units . AVL Technic's operating funds are initially funded by Team 4 (HSV). Later, if the channel operates stably, it will find a reasonable source of funding to maintain its long-term operation.

✅ Development orientation of the Team in sound and light technology, LED screen

The Team's orientation is to bring "sharing" and "listening" to your contributions. With the videos edited by the team, we will consult with our seniors and brothers and sisters to achieve the best possible content. AVL Technic also wants to receive a lot of information from you all over the country so that AVL Technic will become a channel to share knowledge, techniques, sound and light, visual effects, quality LED screens in Vietnam. Vietnam.

Company is sounding you to
Sound and light company, Led screen - Hoang Sa Viet

✅ The technical content of sound, light, LED screen will be directed to

The content AVL Technic aims at is the knowledge from basic to advanced, practical knowledge, towards a purely technical channel. In addition to releasing videos on sound engineering, lighting and LED screens at the demo room of Hoang Sa Viet company. AVL Technic Team also wishes to receive videos from friends near and far to include in the sharing section for the channel. If the product is good, the " sharers " can receive an amount of money sent by AVL Team. For details please contact Mr. Huy Phan - 0902.480,667 Thank you very much.

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