Premium Lighting Equipment Rental Package 1

Premium Lighting Equipment Rental Package 1

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Status: Stocking

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In a grand professional event, in addition to the sound and light factors, also play a key role in creating the success of the program. Drawing on experience during 10 years of specializing in the field of stage sound and light, Hoang Sa Viet suggests to customers the premium lighting equipment package 1 below.

✅ Equipment in the premium light package 1

  • 24 ParLed 54x3w super bright multi-color, create stage backdrop color, artistic color change
  • 12 Par64 lights for stage lighting
  • 06 Blinder lights create a flare effect for the stage
  • 02 Beam Spot Lights 350w
  • 01 Tiger Touch Console
  • 18 Moving Head Beam lights 230W/330w create pattern effects, light beams for the stage.
  • 02 Follow Lights
  • 02 Smoke machine with capacity 1500W
23,000,000 VND

SUPPLY FRAME: High-grade aluminum truss frame system:

  • 01 Horizontal 15m
  • 02 pillars 6m high
4,860,000 won
Package of premium lighting equipment 1
Package of premium lighting equipment 1 (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)
Event using high-class light package 1 by Hoang Sa Viet company
Event using high-class light package 1 by Hoang Sa Viet company

✔ Detailed aluminum truss frame system for hanging lights

  • Premium light package 2 is suitable for events with large stage sizes from 60m2 to 120m2. For events with many musical performances or DJs, customers should choose the premium lighting package 1
  • The aluminum truss frame system used to hang lights for high-class light package 1 is proposed by Hoang Sa Viet company with the following dimensions:

1/ Horizontal truss momentum above the stage size: 15m

2/ The vertical truss pole used to hang the horizontal beam is reinforced firmly: 3 pillars 6m high

3/ T-shaped hand crank lamp post for hanging stage lights

  • The aluminum truss system is removable and versatile, so it can be balanced and adjusted to different sizes and in accordance with the actual conditions of the event area or the wishes of the guests. row. Truss prices are calculated in meters to multiply the unit price of each meter.


✔ Light equipment in premium light package 1

The 54x3w par led light is a lamp that uses 54 3w led bulbs, which is an indispensable light in the list of lighting devices that create professionalism and elegance for the event. It replaces the previous generation of halogen headlights. Par Led works with many other modes: Main running mode, running with music, flashing unique lights, running automatically, running through the DMX table,... And especially technicians can easily control it with the table. DMX.

Super bright 54x3w multi-color par led lamp
Super bright multi-color 54x3w par led lamp (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)

Par Led 54x3w has the main colors are: Red, green, blue, white; They are flexibly combined with each other, combined with many other lights to help create extremely unique stage backdrops. With many outstanding advantages mentioned above and long product life, par led 54x3w is used by more and more customers.

The par 64 lamp is a lamp that uses a 1000w halogen filament light source, warm and very realistic light, dedicated to lighting the stage. In addition, this type of lamp is also used to record movies and take photos with extremely sharp quality. The lamp has high durability, continuous use for a long time without affecting performance.

Par lamp 64
Lamp Par 64 (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)

There are different sizes of blinders available, but the 4 eye and 100w eyelets are the most common. They have the function of adding natural light to the stage, when recording videos and taking photos of the attendees on the stage, they are clear and bright. Blinder lights are widely used for performance stages, halls, discos, clubs, wedding parties,...

The 350w Spot beam light is an innovative product of the moving beam line with many unique features. Equipped with ultra-bright, ultra-bright 350W Osram 17R, shaped Gobo disc with 17 Static + 4 Open Gobo and Color Gobo with 14 different color shades. The lamp is covered with an extremely durable plastic shell, has a professional smooth black paint, has good impact resistance and heat resistance.

350w . beam spot
350w beam spot (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)

With such a large number of lights, two T-shaped light posts are needed. This post will help technicians easily perform setup as well as equipment layout overview to be neater and more professional.

T-shaped lamp post for hanging lights
T-shaped lamp post is used to hang lights (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)

Tiger touch is the most popular and advanced lighting console available today, with powerful controllability and control of a large number of different lights on stage. Key specifications include:

  • 15.6 inch touch screen
  • There are 60 pages, 10 pages with playback capability
  • MIDI support for MIDI notes and MIDI timecodes
  • 4 physical DMX outputs, up to 16 via Art Net protocol
  • Optional UPS, uninterruptible power supply that works even without power
  • 10 macro buttons and macro library
  • Supports Artnet, Avotalk and Citp protocols
  • Support media CITP protocol,...

Moving head lights use 15R osram bulbs for just enough light, helping to create pattern/light effects for the stage. When using this type of product, we do not need to worry about the lamp overheating when operating continuously for many hours.

Moving head beam 230w/330w
Moving head beam 230w/330w (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)

In the high-end light package, we cannot lack the follow light. This follow light will help the space become much more professional and luxurious.

Stage follow lights
Stage follow lights (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)

The floating smoke will make the event space more perfect many times. This is a mid-range product of PAH Lighting equipped with the latest circuit boards, which helps to reduce the heating time (less than 8 minutes), the powerful spray speed of 20,000 blocks/minute and the smoke duration is also very long. In addition, the fuel tank is made with a larger area, so it can hold fuel up to 2.5 liters.

Smoke machine with capacity 1500W
Smoke machine with a capacity of 1500W (Source: Hoang Sa Viet)

✅ The cost of renting a package of high-class lighting equipment 1 at Hoang Sa Viet company

With the above lighting equipment lines with the accompanying quantity, the cost to rent the premium light package 1 is VND 27,800,000 .

The sound and light rental packages will be gradually updated by Hoang Sa Viet for customers to choose from. If you have any further questions, please contact the hotline 0985 999 345, press number 2 for support!

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