Cheap Event Stage Rental Service - Hoang Sa Viet

Cheap Event Stage Rental Service - Hoang Sa Viet

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Along with the vibrant and colorful performances, the stage is certainly more focused by investors than ever. But before becoming a shimmering stage that impresses the guests in attendance, the stage was also a mere rough floor. And to understand more, please follow the article below

What is Stage (Raw)? The Details That Make Up The Stage

Stage (rough part) is a stage that has been fully assembled and reinforced but has not included the next stages such as carpet shooting, curtain laying, .....

Image of 5mx3m assembled stage for a small indoor event with a height of 50cm

Pictures of assembled aluminum stage

The details that make up the stage floor include:

  • Module of aluminum rim flooring
  • Stage border
  • Stage legs
  • Stage leg brace
  • Raised soles

Stage Size (Raw)

When renting an event stage , customers should pay attention to the size of the stage to match the organized event. Here are some criteria about the event stage size that customers can refer to

About stage height: For small events, the stage is usually under 0.8m high; For medium events, about 200 guests or more, the stage is usually 0.8-1.2m high; For large events such as outdoor music performances, sports events, television events, the stage height needs to be from 1.5 - 2.0m.

About stage width: The stage width depends on the stage height and event space, in addition, the stage width is also calculated based on the performances and activities taking place on the stage. Typical stage sizes are: 6x4m; 8x5m;10x6m; 15x8m; 20x10m…

Stage size (Hoang Sa Viet)

Portable assembled aluminum stage

Stage Features and Applications

✔ Stage features

The stage installed and constructed by Hoang Sa Viet company includes 2 types: aluminum stage and iron stage. But today, aluminum stage is used most of all because of its convenience, economy, and ease of construction and installation.

  • The product is lightweight, durable, and uses aluminum alloy T6061 - T6, T6082 - T6 or galvanized iron with specialized electrostatic paint to prevent oxidation.
  • Specialized waterproof products, do not burn, do not distort over time.
  • Super fast assembly, easy for disassembly, saving time and labor costs (100m2 in just 60 minutes with 3 workers).
  • The height is easily adjustable.
  • Durable products can be widely applied to all terrains and weather, from indoor to outdoor

✔ Application of the stage

The stage is a part of the event's soul, that's why most events now have a stage. Small events use a small stage, large events have a bigger stage, or event organizers design the stage to suit the nature of the event.

Aluminum stage is used for cultural performance events

The stage used in the opening ceremony

Hoang Sa Viet Company for Event Stage Rental

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