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Code: Dich_vu_sua_chua_L3+
Status: Stocking
Service price: Depends on the difficulty of the Board
Warranty after repair: 1 week
Currently, Bitmain Antminer L3+ has been discontinued, so the L3+ series on the market are either used or refurbished. Any product in the process of operation will encounter some different errors. For the L3+ miner, Hoang Sa Viet has found some basic errors that the "miners" can fix on their own without the need for a professional repairman, helping to timely fix and earn mining profits. most effective extraction. The following are the errors and effective fixes of the Antminer L3+ miner (Since the Antminer S9 and Antminer L3+ have nearly the same specifications and structure, the fixes and errors are also similar. applicable to Antminer S7).
Errors and how to fix Antminer L3+
✅ Miner works but has no hash rate. Hashboard temperature exceeds 80 degrees
Cause: The heatsink has come out, not attached to the machine.
Fix: Remove any hashboard that exceeds 80 degrees for repair.
Note: If multiple hashboards have temperatures exceeding 80 degrees, add additional cooling devices. The excavator is very prone to failure during operation in high-temperature environment.
✅ Hashrate is normal, but the status of the machine does not show the temperature
(In case the temperature is too high, if not handled in time, the hash rate is likely to burn)
Cause: The probe of one hash board is broken, resulting in the other 2 hashboards having display problems.
Fix: Use the controller to check 3 hash boards one by one, let it run for about 5 minutes, find the hash board with the problem, and send it back to the machine shop for timely repair.
✅3. Hashrate is lower than normal. An “X” sign appears on the “ASIC status” (the status of the machine).
Cause: The chip was damaged, resulting in a lower than normal hash rate on a washboard.
Fix: If the hash board is still working fine, you can keep it. But if that hash board is already completely corrupted, keeping it for repair is not necessary.
✅4. Hashrate is lower than normal. There are many “-” signs displayed on the “ASIC status” of a hashboard
Cause: There are 2 possible causes, one is because the supply voltage is not stable, the other is the hash board is faulty.
Fix: Change the power and 18 pin cable first to try and see if it works or not. If not, please remove this hashboard for repair.

✅5. Hashrate is lower than normal. Some chips don't work. Hashrate is only 2/3 of the normal rate.
Cause: This is caused by the chip's series of divergences.
Fix: Remove this hashboard for repair.

✅6. Miner works but no hashrate. Show string “XXXX” on Hardware Version. Hashboard is not working. There is no information displayed on the Miner status interface.
Cause: Miner software problem.
Fix: Shutdown and restart the miner.

✅7. Miner works but no hashrate. Show string “” on Hardware Version. Hashboard is not working. There is no information displayed on the Miner status interface.
Cause: Miner firmware is faulty.
Fix: Shut down and restart the miner.

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