Good Quality Event Delegate Table Rental

Good Quality Event Delegate Table Rental

Price: Contact

Status: Stocking

If in business, business owners always put customers first, in event organizers, delegations and guests are of special interest to event organizers. In many events, the delegate table is an important position of the event, especially those with the presence of people who have great influence on the business.

✅ The importance of the delegate table for event organization

Opening events, inaugurations, anniversaries, ground-breaking ceremonies, etc., especially big events, the table of delegates contributes to the solemnity and professionalism of the event. is a place to show respect of the event organizer to the guests attending.

In addition, the delegate table is also a factor contributing to the highlight of the event. In many events that are heavily invested in content and form, the delegate table contributes to increasing brand awareness and brand love, image promotion,...

✅ Rent a delegate table at Hoang Sa Viet company

At Hoang Sa Viet company, we provide event table rental services with a variety of sizes and designs, suitable for small to large events, grand opening events, and grand opening events. completion, groundbreaking ceremony, product launch ceremony, ....

Delegate desk types and costs

  • Rectangular table 0.5x1m + tablecloth
  • Rectangular table 0.5x1.5m + tablecloth
  • 0.5x2m rectangular table + tablecloth
  • Rectangular table 0.6x1m + tablecloth
  • Rectangular table 0.6x1.2m + tablecloth
  • Rectangular table 0.6x1.5m + tablecloth
  • Rectangular table 0.8x1.5m + tablecloth
  • Rectangular table 1m wide x length (m to)
  • Square table 0.8x0.8 white face + tablecloth
  • Office desk 0.5mx1m
  • Meeting table 1mx2m

Table of delegates at the event of FICO (source: Hoang Sa Viet)

Delegate desk for rent on the opening day of FPT University (source: Hoang Sa Viet)

The delegate table is always set up neatly before the event

Delegate desks with different sizes

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